Benjamin Larrousse
Personal webpage
Welcome! I'm Benjamin.
Science passionate, I love how mathematics can help us understand our everyday life, and how, with the right tools, we can make the world a better place.
I studied some of them, and in particular optimization and game theory.
I earned a Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics, at the Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes in Paris, France. I was working on applying optimization techniques
(from Game Theory and Information Theory) to telecommunication problems.
But my Phd in applied mathematics was only the beginning of the journey. I am currently a Senior Data Scientist in the sports industry,
working with an amazing team at Twenty First Group.
Currently, my main focus are: Data analysis, machine learning, deep learning, sports analytics, quantified self.
Phd Thesis
International Journal Papers
- B. Larrousse, S. Lasaulce, and M. Bloch, "Coordination in distributed networks. Application to power control", submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory (Oct. 2014). [arXiv]
- O. Beaude, B. Larrousse, and S. Lasaulce, "Strategic communications in smart grids", to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
International Conference Papers
- A. Agrawal, F. Danard, B. Larrousse, and S. Lasaulce, Implicit coordination in two-agent team problems, European Conference on Control (ECC), Linz, Austria, July 2015.
- B. Larrousse, S. Lasaulce, and M. Wigger, "Coordination in state-dependent distributed networks: The two-agent case", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hong Kong, June 2015. [arXiv]
- B. Larrousse, S. Lasaulce, and M. Wigger, Coordinating Partially-Informed Agents over State-Dependent Networks, IEEE Proc. of the Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Jerusalem, Israel, Apr.-May 2015.
- B. Larrousse, A. Agrawal, and S. Lasaulce, Implicit coordination in 2-agent team problems. Application to distributed power allocation, IEEE 12th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014. [Slides]
- B. Larrousse, O. Beaude, and S. Lasaulce, Crawford-Sobel Meets Lloyd-Max on the Grid, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 2014. [BIB] [Slides]
- B. Larrousse and S. Lasaulce, Coded Power Control: Performance Analysis, IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Istanbul, Turkey, Jul. 2013. [BIB] [Slides]
National Conference Papers
- O. Beaude, F. Danard, B. Larrousse, and S. Lasaulce, Quantification en présence de divergence d'intérêts : application aux réseaux d'électricité intelligents, Gretsi conference, Lyon, France, Sep. 2015.
Is it possible to stop Messi? A data perspective.
Using Statsbomb open data, and specifically the Messi data biography, I look into How to defend against Messi?
Associated blog post: Is it possible to stop Messi? A data perspective.
Github project: Github/statsbomb-messi
Statsbomb Innovation in Football Conference
One of the 8 research competition winners for the first Innovation in Football Conference 2019 by Statsbomb.
Full paper: Improving decision making for shots
PSG and Ecole Polytechnique: Sports Analytics Challenge
Participation with a focus on applying deep learning algorithm to Football data. Ranking: 20/3000+
Here is the link to my blog post explaining my methodology: How Deep Learning can be used in a Football context
Runkeeper data analysis
I use Runkeeper app to track my running sessions since 2012. As it is quite easy to download my personal data, I decided to do a descriptive analysis of my running data.
Jupyter notebook (in Python) can be found here: Runkeeper data analysis
Teaching activities
When I was a Phd student, I also worked as a teaching assistant.
Here is the list of courses I teached at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne :
- 2012-2015 (Second Semester: 36 hours/year): Quantitative management techniques,
organized by Thierry Lafay.
Level: Undergraduate-Licence 3. Second semester.
Topics: Logic, linear optimization, game theory, cryptography, graph theory. - 2011-2015 (First Semester: 36 hours/year): Mathematics for Economists,
organized by Thierry Lafay.
Level: Undergraduate-Licence 2. First semester.
Topics: linear algebra, multilinear functions, optimization with and without constraints, complex numbers. - 2011-2012 (Second Semester: 36 hours/year): Mathematics for Economists,
organized by Thierry Lafay.
Level: Undergraduate-Licence 1. Second semester.
Topics: linear algebra, matrices, real analysis.
Phd advisor
Friends and colleagues
Game Theory
- Game theory seminar in Paris
- OJME: Master Optmization, Game Theory and Modelisation in Economy.
Random Stuffs
- Phd Comics: a funny way to see Phd studies.
- Passage Prado, Paris: the oldest Parisien passages. To be discovered.